Thursday, January 28, 2010

Wonderful Winter Which Warms Wandering Wassailers

When it is Winter, it is very cold outside. While some people Would argue that the cool temperatures are a Wonderful and Welcome change to the Woeful heat of the Waining summer, I tend to disagree. While pondering this, I tried to think of the many terrible and treacherous things that make Winter quite a bore.
When you hands dry up, they crackle and hurt and get itchy and dry. While some Would encourage me to wear moisturizer or lotion, I say be quiet, that stuff is greasy. Why Would you possibly Want to slather up that nastiness all over your hands, Which debilitate and and detract from the availability and usefulness of your hands.
Wondering what else I could add to my Wandering pondering, I am drawn further to the affect of Weather that isn't so Warm and its affect on (W)one's body. When it is cold outside, a certain thing blows in your face, chaps your lips, and makes you red in the face, and annoys the everliving crap out of you. "What is this cruel monstrosity?" you may ask. Well, I Will grant your Wish and tell you with utmost Wistfullness. Wind, Which is Windy and terrible and full of cold air in these less favorable months, Will Willingly Wreck any chance you have at Whistling Wonderfully.
While some will tell me that I have overlooked certain important aspects of Winter, I say unto them, "Who cares?"

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