Monday, January 4, 2010

The generosity of strangers

Today my faith in the fact that mankind is ultimately "good" to one another was renewed. Since we received lockers today, I had written down the number and combination in my agenda book. After putting my backpack and other items in my locker, I closed it and proceeded to class. Unbeknownst to be, I lost my agenda book. Maybe I put it down somewhere and forgot it; maybe I dropped it traveling between classes. Long story short, I realize that I have misplaced it. After much search to no avail, on the way to third block, my name is called to the office. To my absolute joy, someone had dropped it off to the lost and found. Without the numbers in the agenda book for my locker, I would have had a tedious task before me to retrieve my items. So, to the kind soul who has returned it to me, here's to you. It is your random act of kindness that elevate the status of the rest of us. You are the salt of the earth, and for this you have my humble and sincere gratitude.

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