Monday, January 25, 2010

A Dog's Advice About Life

1.) Hang your face out the window in a moving vehicle. Allow tongue to flop around and slobber extensively.
2.) Pee on fire hydrants, people's feet, trees, etc. Mark YOUR territory!
3.) Chew on shoes. C'mon they taste good.
4.) 2.5 words- Kibbles & Bits. Yeah baby.
5.) Always walk in a circle at least 4 times before laying down to sleep.
6.) Poop. Everywhere.
7.) When you want something, "puppy eyes" always work.
8.) DON'T eat chocolate. That stuff is whack.
9.) Get old. It's ok. 12 is the new 4.
10.) Get hit by a car. Cancer just makes your owners sad.

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