Thursday, September 24, 2009

"Never be afraid to sit a while and think."

This quote, for some reason, really connects with me, not only because I agree with what it says but because I do this on a daily basis. I can't adequately explain it, but throughout the day, I just zone out and think about everything for a while. Even in the morning, although this may be attributed to my sleepiness, I tend to sit on my bed for 5 minutes or so and just think. Even if I'm not really thinking about anything in particular, it really helps sometimes to just take a break and relax, to not do a thing.
Though this is relaxing, there are actually a lot of things I should be thinking about. College, my career, my grades, homework, getting a job, practicing my instrument, riding my bike, the state of my life in general. The last one really is what I spend a lot of time thinking about. If I were to die tomorrow, how would I be remembered? Have I lived a good life? I don't mean it to be morbid, but things happen that are out of our control and sometimes lives are cut short. If, God forbid, something like that happened to me or one of my friends, would we be satisfied with how we lived? We are honestly waiting for our lives to start right now, in high school. We aren't really who we want to be yet; some of us are still trying to figure it out. I don't know what I want to do with my life, my life being all of the aforementioned facets of the things that are still in my head; they aren't a reality yet. I feel like I need to stop thinking about it and start to make it real, but right now, I know that I can feel confident that it's still ok, there is still time, I have time to just sit and think.

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