Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Act Quickly, Think Slowly

This Greek proverb I think has a double meaning. If someone is going to act on something, then it should be done quickly with little hesitation and much conviction. Otherwise, the moment is lost. Action requires timing. Whatever it may be, if we think too much about something before we act, we could miss the oppurtune moment and then our chance to act is gone. On the other hand, sometimes people act too quickly, and then either make fools of themselves or end up with disasterous consequences. While we act, or thought process has to increase and get faster with it as well.

The proverb also says to think slowly. Thought, being the predecessor of action, it is therefore the foundation of all action or movement or decision. In order to have all or ducks in a row so to speak, and not act prematurely, we have to slow down and not think things through too quickly. Especially if an important decision is on the line. Better decisions are always made after all the possible options and corresponding outcomes have been assessed.

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