Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Human Nature- We Need Something to Argue About

Take an individual like Lance Armstrong. 7 time Tour De France winner, cancer survivor, world renowned spokesperson and advocate for cancer and a hero to millions. He has done more in the last 15 years than hundreds of people could pack into their combined lifetimes. Yet still there are people who have a problem with him.

During the first of his seven tour wins, a newspaper L'Equipe (a French paper, big surprise) accused him of steriod use. What actually was going on was Lance was using a skin cream to treat saddle sores and the trace amounts of steriods showed up in his test. Since then Lance-haters around the globe have been like a dog with a bone over this. I think it just might be time to move on, honestly.

Then there is the issue of his womanly pursuits, divorcing his wife of 5 years, dating several celebrities and fathering an illegitimate child with his current girlfriend. So the guy's personal life might "be in shambles", but who else hasn't ever been in the same situation. People just can't get over the fact that he is an amazing athlete the likes of which are to be unparalled for several years to come. Lance is just simply the most dedicated individual in his era who has a passion for his sport and uses his celebrity status to boost funding for cancer research. What's so wrong about that?

People need something to argue about.

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