Monday, March 22, 2010

What do you wish you could take time out to do?

I really would like to have a day where I could put some serious miles in on the bike. Because of school or crappy late winter/early spring weather, all my rides have been sub-45 milers. Which I suppose would be a good thing, since I don't want to burn out early in the season, but still. It just seems that ever since November it's either been too cold or I've had school junk to do on the weekends. Take this weekend for instance. Friday was a beautiful day, and with the new extra hour-ish of sunlight, I was able to squeeze in 32 miles before dark. Saturday was gorgeous also, with plentiful sunshine and mild temperatures. But I had to be in Nashville for our last academic team competiton, so riding was postponed until 5 PM when we returned. I got about 8 miles into it, and I crossed some railroad tracks. One jostling bump later, and my handlebars are bent all to heck. Jeez! So I hobble back home riding on the tops and shelve the bike riding for Sunday.
They need to rename that day, because all there was was cloudy, overcast skies and inches of rain. It figures, the first day I have off in weeks, it's crummy weather outside. So I just sucked it up and put on a jacket and shoe covers and went out for a ride, thinking it would eventually clear up. Wrong. 30 miles and 2 hours later, my dad calls demanding to know where I'm at so he can come get me. I didn't need him to come get me, it was only about 15 miles home, but he insisted on the grounds that I was going to catch cold or some such nonsense.
So, hopefully on Spring Break, I can get some lovely weather to crank out some mileage.
Heck, I would even take high 80s and humid over windy and wet.

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