Monday, November 2, 2009

We do not simply live our lives for ourselves, but for those who came before and will come after us.

One must be terribly self-centered to think that our lives belong only to us. To those who preceded us, no matter what the people of their time thought about them, they always have the respect and love from the younger generations of the family. They tend to represent symbols such as wisdom, longevity, and hard work. From my own experiences, my father used to always talk about his grandparents, aunts and uncles, and parents with a lot of nostalgia. Now, because I have never met them, I can't accurately judge their character, so I rely on the opinions of others who are older and more experienced than myself. So that leads me to believe that they lived a good life because of the way that my older relatives speak of them. Therefore, in order to ensure that our in our legacies, we have to live a decent life so that our descendants look up to us and respect us, like we have done with our ancestors.

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