Wednesday, October 28, 2009

A View of the Afterlife

I recently read this book called In Heaven As on Earth: A View of the Afterlife. Obviously, it was fictitious, the author was Christian I think, but the way he explains what all goes on after we die didn't exactly pertain to any particular religious dogma. I guess that's why I liked it so much. Nothing gets me more ticked off than some elitist Bible-thumper on a power trip about how all non-Christians are on a highway to Hell, simply for the fact that they aren't Christian. I'm Catholic, so while I share most of the same religious beliefs as people like this, it's very disappointing to me to think that people can be so ignorant and pompous. But anyway, back to the point. In the book, the main character, Daniel, has just died after a stint of cancer that lasted a couple of years. He gets into heaven, (no pearly gates) and wakes up in a room with no windows and no doors, that has a pleasant green color to it. No furniture, just a structure that sticks out of the wall acting as a bed and a smaller one that is like a chair. In short, the book is about his adjustment to heaven. He has a guide that helps him to adjust and choose his profession in heaven, and also he is able to visit his son and wife who both died before him. He has to deal with temptation from a Satan figure, and also finds out that people, by their nature, choose which way they go when they die (Heaven, Hell, or Purgatory) and one when one realizes where they are, they have the freedom of choice to decide where they want to go.
A very interesting and compelling read, to say the least. Probably the most satisfying thing about it for me was it made me think. It took a different perspective of a normally stagnant issue and made it interesting. To me that makes the book a classic, a treasure.

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