Wednesday, May 19, 2010

To Work or Not to Work

Having a job has made me view my time and other things a lot differently than I previously had. Before I had a job, I thought that I didn't have any free time to just hang out and have fun. Now, I know that I don't have any extra time! Seriously though, I have realized that if there is something that needs to be done, whether it be chores or homework, or work outside of that, time can always be made to serve the purpose. Somethings like sleep or bike riding or practicing the horn might be done less frequently or for not as long, but all the necessities get done.
While it is possible to do all this, I'm beginning to question whether the money I make is worth my time. Sure, money is good to have, but how much better would my grades be if I spent even a fraction of the time I am at work studying? How much more fit would I be if I rode my bike all the days that I haven't been able to due to working? How much more relaxed would I be if I used that time to just hang out with my friends, or actually help out at home?
It's a double-edged sword, most definitely.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Windy Evening at the BBQ Fest

So last Friday, on the opening evening of the Barbeque Festival, the Apollo Jazz Band played music for an hour or so as entertainment. It was a fun time, but for the fact that a few things make the BBQ Fest one of my least favorite events. We had to be at the River Park at 5:45, so I left my house at 5:20 in earnest of finding a decent parking spot. Apparently I was not early enough. I finally found a parking spot at 5:40, 5 minutes before we were supposed to be infront of the River Park, seven blocks away at Allen St. and 7th. Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful. I had to make two trips to carry all my stuff. Joe Stone came with me the second time and saved me from the ardous walking again by showing me his secret hiding spot to park. So we finally get up and start playing, but we're next to the river so it is hilariously windy. Even with the help of large paper clips to hold down my music, it still ends up blowing all over the stage no less than three times. We finally got done though, and playing at the BBQ fest was fun, but I'm glad it only comes once a year.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Mother's Day

So as we all know, last Sunday was that special day for all the ladies who are responsible for our existence here on this Earth. (With a little help from Pops, too.) But on this day, we honored our Mothers.
At my household, it was about 9 in the morning, and we had all just gotten home from church. My mom was deservedly sitting at the kitchen table reading and sipping hot tea, instead of her normal cooking routine on Sundays. Pops was at the stove making gravy or something, I don't recall, but anyway, he calls me over and whispers, "Do you have any money on you?" I did, so I said yes. His voice got a little louder, surely so that my mother would hear. "Ok, Joe, I want you to go to the store and get PEACHES IN HEAVY SYRUP AND FRUIT COCKTAIL AND BANANAS. THEN COME HOME, OK?!?!?!" I stared at him like he had grown a second head, but then a second later it clicked. I needed to get something special for madre. So with little brother in tow, I drove to the store and got the "necessary" items, plus a nice card and some flowers for the lady of the day. My brother was sulky that I didn't get her any candy. So I asked him, "Do I look like I'm made of money?" He goes, "Yeah, DUH!"

What a lovely day it was.