Wednesday, December 16, 2009


Now that time of year is here again. I'm not talking about Christmas either. Finals-the joyous Christmas present of every student at Apollo High School. At time for cramming and studying and stressing and complaining and reviewing and exhaustion and....all kinds of stuff. Here now is my chance to say, GET OVER IT. Finals are just tests. Just another test. People make such a big deal out of them like they are a life or death matter. They get all wound up and overstressed just to find out that...oh...that final wasn't so bad after all. Those who argue that they don't do well on their finals are also the ones who devote inadequate studying time. It just seems to me that it's a crying shame that people blow these tests out of proportions (and I mean students, not teachers, just to clarify) and then it turns out to be wasted energy. I'm thankful that we can at least get out of some of them if our grades allow, which isn't going to happen in college, no doubt.

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