Friday, April 23, 2010

President Obama

There seems to be a great deal of hateful feelings and attitudes directed at our Commander in Chief recently. The aggravation claims to be stemming from health care reform, or whatever other policy he is thinking about enacting, but I think that it is just an excuse for some people to launch against him in their own personal crusade. I don't agree with everything that Mr. Obama is doing and plans to do, but I do need to get one thing straight. All politics aside, whether we like it or not, this man is in charge of the entire nation. I don't think that we necessarily have to like him on a personal level, and certainly should there be political opposition, but regardless of both of these things, he is our President. Bottom line. He deserves our respect and support as citizens of the United States. When Mr. Bush was President, I didn't agree with all of his policies either, but anytime people would begin to bash him, I was glad to defend him, and likewise with Mr. Obama. He has the most stressful job on the planet. I know that both of them have done and will continue to do a better job than me, and besides, I don't think the Presidency is a job anybody truly wants. Especially not after actually understanding what all it entails. The office should be respected, no acceptions. To quote an unknown person, "The man on top of the mountain did not fall there." He is in the position he needs to be, and I think that personal issues need to be set aside if we are going to recover and flourish again as a country.

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